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January 18, 2017

The Countdown to 2030 Equity Technical Working Group Meeting

The Countdown to 2030 Equity Technical Working Group (ETWG) is assembled since yesterday (January 17th), at the International Center for Equity in Health (ICEH), Federal University of Pelotas (UFPel). The meeting objectives are:

- To familiarize ETWG members with the Countdown to 2030 initiative and with the data analyses set up at the International Center for Equity in Health (Pelotas)

- To advise on the expansion of equity analyses formerly carried out for the Countdown to 2015 (MDG agenda) to address the broader agenda of the Sustainable Development Goals relevant to reproductive, maternal, newborn and child health and nutrition.

- To discuss the contribution of the ETWG to the 2017 Countdown report.

- To agree on plans for further analyses and publications involving ETWG members.

- To advise on the involvement of the ETWG on country level activities, including country countdowns and capacity building.

At the end of the first day's activities, the team toured in the Laranjal Beach, one of the most beautiful sites in Pelotas. 

In the photo (from left to right): Cesar Victora (ICEH); Ghada Saad (American Univeristy of Beirut); Ahmad Reza Hosseinpoor (WHO); Liliana Caravajal (UNICEF); Oscar Mujica (PAHO); Anita Raj (University of California); Carine Ronsmans (London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine); Jennifer Requejo (Johns Hopkins Bloomberg of Public Health); Alex Manu (Ghana Ministry of Health); Lotus Mcdougal (University of California) and Lois Park (Johns Hopkins Bloomberg of Public Health).